Could I BE the next generation Jumeirah Jane?

So, with the wedding loom - a number of my friends took the time to say " need to be a bit of girl"....I heard them....I knew what they meant...I knew it was time to get my ass to a few places I never really frequented before and made an effort to be a girl..... and I have to say I did thoroughly enjoy the experiences...not sure if I could do them all the time. For one thing my beauty bill will certainly double if not triple...

Now, I have always been a regular waxer, been doing it since I was 16 and committed to the eradication of the hair....its a monthly day I will win this battle of being hairless....well I hope so.

But it was the next few items that suprised me. Tracey said I need a spray tan. Now immediately my fear was Ross from Friends," I want two 2, one 4 and one 3"....and then counting.."one mississiippi, two mississippi"....I wasn't really sure if this was for me. The suntaner lady - new I was nervous, its not something I had ever done before and I was woorried about colour, reactions, spots, smell, smudging, marks...all sorts...but she said she had had fairly successful results. at that point a woment walked passed who just had a tan and I said to her oh yours looks nice and then she said.."oh but this will go darker" and I was like..."woe I don't want to be that dark"...after I said it I must of sounded like such an rude was I, but unfortunately I never got to explain to this "sample lady" what I really meant. Sorry lady, I didn't mean it looked bad or anything..... She must of left calling me all the names under the sun and then telling her friends about me....eek. Anyway I did it....felt so embarrassed. Stood their starkers with these stupid paper pants on while she sprayed me brown. It didn't seem to phase her..but I was very aware of that mirror and my lumps and bumps that were CLEARLY visible. You spend your life making sure areas that don't need to be seen by all are NOT seen and then you have moments like that.....all in the name of beauty....

following this....I had a manicure and again a totally new experience for me... Time taken for this activity: 2 hours. OMG....initially I was like, how am I going to be able to sit for that long....well to be honest it wasn't hard. With a massage chair, a movie, tea and zo zo to chat was great. infact Zo zo and I had moments of silience where we just relaxed....odd for me...but I was proud of myself. The end result was a great fingers and toes...they looked fantastic...I felt so important that I wanted to head into a meeting just so I could point, tap my fingers on the table and delegate didn't matter what it was I just felt this surge of confidence. I was like...OMG if nails can do this, imagine what other beauty treatments could do. So I have opted to keep the nails the lady said they would last about 2 months, we have nearly done 2 weeks...a couple of cracks along the way but nothing a nail clipper and a file wouldn't fix. I had to buy the nail file by the way....didn't own one.

So, getting back to my initial question...could I BE the next generation of Jumeirah Janes? Well I think I could....if all I have to do is sit while someone else takes care of this beauty treatment, then yes.....being pampered is like feeling like a feel sooo important.....its fantastic. though I may need to review my wallet and classify some of the budget to beauty treatment..though I have to call it something else...don't want B to think that I have become to that's an excuse. I NEED to call it something else...I will never admit to being tooo girly..its just not right....

What could I call it? "spare change" " MOT", "servicing", "over haul", ....I wil have to think about this.....


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